The Homework Spot / Internet Public Library Kids' Space/ Games You need it, they have it. A directory of homework resources as well as project ideas & help with writing. Search for your subject & get a list of resources chosen by librarians around the country. Find a game to play while you wait.
Merriam-Webster How do you spell that word? And what does it mean? Try this famous dictionary and thesaurus for help.
Federal legislative information on the Internet.
Choose a grade level then look around for information on how the U.S. government works.
Math Math games that teach
financial skills
Information about the United Nations, global issues, and information about UN member countries/states.
Ask Dr. Math A question and answer service for K-12 math students and their teachers.
Flags of the World Thousands of flags from around the world.
The World of Math online.
Math Stars Newsletter (Grades 1-8) The purpose of Math Stars is to challenge students beyond the classroom setting.
Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology Huge resource for Greek Mythology.
American Memory Historic photograph collections of United State's history.
Hundreds of resources about American History
Science Fair Information: ideas, projects, etc.
Science News for Kids Science news, games and information to keep you up to date on science in the news.
Civil War Maps Search for maps by location, subject or alphabetically.
The Why Files Find out the science behind the headlines.
Mr. Dowling's History Passport Links to information on counties, culture and history.
Social Studies titles, lesson plans, and quizzes.
NASA Thousands of pages of resources on astronomy, planets, comets, astronauts and new discoveries of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.